Apr 27·edited Apr 27Liked by Sam Perrin

Agreed on most counts! I also grieve the humanities sequence, that, despite its faults (namely, that so many students took it in Elkins) helped provide a common experience to undergrads. I'm hopeful that students will be more engaged in their core courses (and take the occasional elective or pick up a minor!) if they feel as though they got some choice in that course.

A small note for posterity--the REL GE sequence review happened independently of the GERC review (that is, the REL faculty revised our courses prior to the passing of the Seaver Core (they went into effect in Fall 2023)), although we were aware of and anticipating the GE review.

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Thanks for that helpful context, Laura! I should have made clear that the changes to the religion sequence were separate, even though they were happening at (more or less) the same time.

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